Thursday, September 6, 2012

Thing 5

     Wow....I am absolutely amazed and blown away by School 2.0.  Children have such an advantage to learn in such fun and interactive ways.  When I was in school, technology to us was using the projector from the library.  Occasionally we would get to even watch a VHS tape!  I am 35 years old, and I remember using a typewrite to write my papers in highschool.
     I would describe school 2.0 as using all the technology of computers and incorporating them into the classroom to encourage learning.  With today's technology, students, students are able to use i-pads, smart boards,  and much more.  The internet itself offers all types of different options as well.  Students can use social media such as facebook to communicate with people from all over the world.  School 2.0 is quick and becoming easier for people to learn.What really fascinates me is how most of these new technologies out there are able to sync together.  It amazes me how an i-pod and connect and communicate with your computer to transfer music.  I still have difficulties understanding how a software disc can be inserted in my computer to create a new program on my computer!
     Education has definitely been transformed due to all the advancements of technology.  With School 2.0, we are moving into an age where school can be taught in so many different ways.  There is not just one way to learn (such as paper and pencil).  Technology allows the teacher to manipulate learning and engage students in ways that will prepare our children for the future.  I love how children with disabilities are now able to participate and to be included because of  tools such as the i-pad.  Students can now "go to school" without even leaving the house.  I love the public library (and I hope it does not become obsolete), but now children can read books with devices such as the nook.  High school students and college students can do research without even having to go to the library.
     Classrooms in the future probably wont need textbooks.  Paper and pencils may not be needed.  All learning will probably be done on some sort of computer.  I think it would be cool if a student could one day take a foreign language class such as Spanish by logging onto the computer and watching a teacher from Spain teach the course.  I'm sure it is possible to do this already.  We just have not made it logistically possible yet.
     I imagine the classrooms will continue to change as technology advances.  Although the gadgets being used will change and keep improving, the one thing remains a constant.  The purpose and goal of the classroom is to educate children in a way in which they can reach their fullest potential.

1 comment:

  1. I'm sure the classrooms in the future will be much more eco-friendly, as you pointed out. Online classes are becoming more and more popular, and would certainly be ideal not only for students in very rural areas, but for the ones who maybe are very socially uncomfortable, or who are zoned for a school full of students in a different income bracket. As for textbooks going away..well I have mixed feelings on that issue. While e-books would be able to be updated frequently and would be more "green", sometimes it's nice to just cuddle up with a regular old book and get your reading done.
