Monday, September 10, 2012

thing 7

015 by marianne1022
015, a photo by marianne1022 on Flickr.

This is Zoe. She is my baby. She is a miracle and I am blessed to be her mom. When I was pregnant with her the Dr. told me that I had miscarried with her and that I was beginning to develop pre-cancerous cells due to a partial miscarriage. I was given what I call an abortion pill (which I decided after reading the label to not take) and was sent to a specialist to remove the tissue that was "cancerous". After a few sleepless nights and lots of tears, I went to my appointment in Nashville with the specialist. After a quick ultrasound, it was very obvious that I was indeed pregnant and did not have any cancer cells at all. Zoe is my miracle and her name means life. She is my reminder that when no one else sees us, that God sees us. When no one else hears us, God still hears us. And when others do not acknowledge us, that God does and he calls us LIFE. I am thankful for the grace of God and my Zoe Grace is a daily reminder of that. I decided to use her photo while trying to learn how to navigate flickr because it would give me something to blog about. As you can see by her picture, Zoe is a little monkey and is full of LIFE! I will have to be honest and admit that flickr was not easy for me to figure out. I was able to create an account easily and upload my photos. I understood what it meant to tag people and I was able to tag our class, but I still have not figured out how to send it to our group because I can not find our group under search. Has anyone else had this problem? I uploaded pictures on shutterfly once, then decided not to get them developed because it cost money for shipping and handling. I probably sound lame, but I still prefer to go to Wal-greens and put my card in their machine and crop, edit, etc. my pictures there. I don't really mind my pictures being "public". That part does not bother me. i just prefer to get pictures developed where I have the actual picture in my hand verses having a bunch of jpegs on my computer. It took my a little while to figure out how to get my picture from flickr to my blog. But like everything else with this project, once you learn how to do it once it gets a lot easier the next time. When I want to share pictures with family and friends, I just put them on facebook. Typically people do not want to see and entire album from you, and facebook make is quick and easy to share one or two of the cutest pics from an album. I guess flickr does to, but I prefer facebook to share. I do need to proably get more comfortable with posting pic on blogs though. I am still thinking that blogging and sharing classroom photos with families would be a great thing to do with my future classroom. I am just not sure at this point if I will use flickr.


  1. Wow! That is an amazing story and I am glad I got the chance to read it. I think personalizing a blog and sharing so much of yourself is why people blog, it's just like a journal where you share your thoughts and feelings on different subjects. I agree with everything you said about life and that God calls us to it; I think it is an important message to put out there. I have an aunt who tried for ten years after marry my uncle to havve a baby. After a few miscarriages and all that time she finally got pregnant with my cousin (who is now 7 months). I like to think of him as a miracle baby because my aunt and uncle started going back to church before he was born. They are still going!
    I also agree that putting pictures on your blog can be good for teachers. I am looking forward to trying to figure out how to put a picture on my own blog.

  2. WOW!! That is all I can say! I had goose bumps while reading your touching story! I'm so glad that I was able to read this story! God is an amazing person and does wonderful things. Zoe is is a true blessing to you and your wonderful family. And I agree with that pictures can be important. It can get the point across better. I look forward to be able to work on Thing #7. :-)

  3. Thanks for the comments....I have never blogged before this assignment and I like how it makes our class a littke more personable with one anoher....Alexis...loved that you added your story about your Aunt...every baby has a story and is truly a miracle of our great creator.. Ashley,you are right...... God is truly amazing and I am thankful for His love and grace ...thanks guys for taking the time to read my blog..

  4. That was a great uplifting story. God is so amazing in his ways. Thank you for sharing this personal story with us. Even though you have never blog you see, to have a knack for it. Keep it up and you be done in no time.
