Friday, September 14, 2012

Thing 9

This was my least favorite thing to do so far. I first attempted to get a photo of one of my daughters (just her head) on a different body. I found a tinkerbell image and I thought my daughter would enjoy seeing her face on tinkerbell. However, it did not work. Her head was crooked in the face frame part of tinkerbell and it did not look good. I finally was able to do a simple frame around a photo of my oldest daughter. This was easy to do. I honestly doubt I will ever use this though. I actually love to scrapbook....but I prefer glue and scrapping stuff from Hobby Lobby. I would NOT allow my children or students to use these particular sites. There was a lot of inapproprate content on the links provided by 23 things. For example, there were half naked (provocative) bodies that you could put your head on. I want to teach elementary students, and I would not approve of some of these things. There were also too many advertising links that were a distraction. Some of the suggested discovery links would not open on my computer. It said that firefox prevented me from opening them. I feel like I am suppose to find something useful with every discovery exercise. I actually feel bad for not liking this exercise. I will continue to play around with this activity and will add to my blog if I find something useful or fun.
Okay, this is pretty cool. My daughter loved this. This was cute and this was very easy to do. This could be fun to do in the class, but I am not sure this would be practical in the classroom. It would take a lot of in ink (and money).....and you couldn't just do for one would have to make for the entire class...anyway...this was cute....


  1. I definitely agree that these website might not be suitable for younger grade levels. I did notice the provactive covers and pictures, but did not think about how students would notice that. Good point! I found this activity frustrating and tried many different things before I found something I liked. It really does not have much practical use in a classroom other than giving the kids something engaging to do.

  2. I loved the magazine cover for your photo. You could always use it for student birthday's or student of the week to save money on ink etc. I have a program for my photo's but like you i never use them. I would much rather do it on paper when i find the time. Most of the time im guilty and never print them out.

  3. Wendy...What a great idea about using the magazine cover for a student who has a birthday or has been chosen as student of the week...I love that!
