Thursday, August 30, 2012

Thing 2

avatar     Creating a blog was very difficult for me.  I have never done this before and it seemed to take me way too long.  I had to come up with usernames and it seemed that all the ones I tried were taken. I finally decided on collegemomsblog.  It seemed fitting.  I am a mother of three and for the past 9 years that has pretty much defined who I am.  I can not add collegemom to my title!
      I was afraid I was going to mess something up which also kept me at creating my blog at a slow pace.  However, I feel more confident now and hopefully will get quicker as I get further into my project of 23 things.  I LOVED making my avatar.  It was not difficult to do.  The only problem I had was that when I set up the account I had to give them my e-mail.  They had to send me an e-mail for me to confirm my account.  The problem was that it was sent and placed in my junk e-mail.  It took me about 15 minutes to even think about checking my junk mail.  Sure enough, it was there! I just had to click on the link and I was official!  I had an account and created my first avatar.

     I think my avatar looks just a little like me.  I think the hair color and cut is about right.  I also love coffee, so I was excited to add the coffee cup to my avatar.  I picked the background of a chalkboard.  I thought that was fitting since I want to be a teacher one day.  I liked the shirt a picked out.  Its a jersey and I love sports and  usually dress pretty casually like this.  This was fun.  I hope the 23 things is as fun as this!

Wednesday, August 29, 2012



       According to the powerpoint, there are 7 1/2 lifelong learning habits.  I really liked how the last one included play.  As a busy mother of 3 girls, I sometimes forget this.  However, the one that was most challenging for me was habit 6.  This one was about using technology for our advantage.  Although there are 4 computes in the house and my husband and I both have smart phones, I certainly don't have the skills to utilize these tools for my advantage.  I have owned a nook color for about a year and have only downloaded one book.  (and I LOVE to read).  I got an ipod 2 years ago and I still couldnt tell you how to upload or download (whatever the right word is) a song.  In fact, I dont even know where it is right now.  I can text, check my facebook, and check my e-mail.  I am getting better at navigating my D2l.  That is about the extent of my ability.  I noticed when my husband, who is quite the electonic gadget guy, tries to explain things to me either about my phone or the computer, I tune him out.  It is almost as if my brain is screaming "Don't listen to him!"  I am a very diligent student, and I know that being forced to take this class will benefit me greatly.  I am sure my husband is relieved that I am finally forced to learn how to do some of this stuff so he wont have to help me so much!
     Habit number 7 is the easiest for me.  I love to mentor and teach people.  Last semester I took statistics online.  A girl I knew was also taking the class.  She was struggling and was afraid that she would fail the class.  I started helping her before our midterms.  We had the same midterm test, and she ended up scoring higher than me!  Anyway, helping her was fun.  I have two kids in elemenatry school and I love sitting down with them to do homework.  I love when I am able to help someone learn something new.  I think teaching someone is so much fun.
     Becoming more familiar with web tools will absolutely make me a better teacher.  I will try to keep a posivie attidute and embrace technology.  I was nervous about creating my first blog ever.  I was afraid I was going to mess something up. But I didnt!! Who knows.....I might just survive this class:)