Sunday, November 11, 2012

Is this the end

I really enjoyed this entire learning process. I was very nervous about this class in general. I feel entirely different now. I am a lot more confident in my ability to enrich the education of my students by using technology in the classroom. My favore discovery excercise was Animoto. I dont want to sound too cheesy by saying it was life changing, but it was absolutely an eye opener for me. I watched a presentation on the cival rights movement that was made my a teacher and was done for her students. As I watched it, I thought...."This is how I want to teach!" It was a prensentation that more effective than any powerpoint or lecture could ever be. I liked you tube a lot too. I am not sure I would have survived by statistics class if it would not have been for great you tube videos explaining how to solve the problems. It was also helpful in my math 1410 and 1420 class. I liked making a magazine cover in one of our discovery excercises. I think that will be fun to use for a student that is star of the week. Oh...and I LOVE my avatar:) This is my first time having an avatar. I even made it my screen saver on my computer! I want to be a life-long learner. When I become a teacher, I want to learn something new every day as well as teach. I think having a "teachable spirit" is an essential quality that all teachers should possess. Learning does not end when you receive a degee. I am thankful that APSU required me to take this class(as well as the chemistry class I has to take). I would have never voluntarily taken this class. But I have survived and I can say I really enjoyed it and learned so much. The fact that I was able to do this without any help is what surprised me most. I appreciate that fact that this assignment was taught and directed in a way that did not cause me to pull my hair out or cry myself to sleep. Some activities took longer that others, but none of them took a ridiculous amount of time. I like how (with the exception of you tube and facebook) everything was new to me. I will have to stay current on some of my RSS feeds and continue reading teacher blogs about WEB 2.0. There is so much already out there and new things are being created daily. I think most of what we learned is applicable for us as teachers. Using some of these tools will either save us time or allow us to create more meaningful lessons for our students. I know I will be a more success teacher because I now know how to apply some web 2.0 tools. My daugters 3rd grade teacher using shutterfly that also has a calandar on it. Not only do I get pictures of the class, but I get email reminders about all upcoming events and tests. I love this web tool and I am sure I will use something like this in my class. My resolution: When I become a first year teaher, I want to be a reflective practitioner. I will do this by keeping a blog. I will blog about my mistakes as well as what seems to be working. This blog will be encouraging to myself and other first time teahcers. It will be a way ro reflect, assess, and modify. It will be fun and helpful to keep a record of my teaching journey. I will end it each week by adding at least one thing I learned that week...after all, I want to be a life-long learner!

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