Thursday, October 18, 2012

Thing 17

I REALLY liked this activity. Not only was it easy, but I can already see what a valuable tool this will be for me in the classroom. I think I will absolutely use social bookmarking. The you tube tutorials that this guy does are always great. He is able to make an abstract concept and simplifies it and makes it concrete for people like me that are not that technologically advanced:)After watching the tutorial, I looked for the bookmarks on my own PC. Funny how sites are marked on there like PBS Kids and Reading Eggs. I find it funny that my 9 or 6 year old (or maybe even my 3 year knew how to bookmark, yet I was clueless to this on my toolbar. I understand how having sites like Delicious are much more useful than our own bookmarks on our personal PC toolbar. For one, the public cant see what I have bookmarked on my PC so it is of no value other than to myself. Also, it does not do me any good if I am away from my PC and need something I have bookmarked on it. This is the first "discovery" I made with this activity. Diigo was the first time I have ever used any sort of social bookmarking for EDU 3040. I love it. I am glad that we all (in the class) had to find a site we found useful and bookmark it for others to see. I have already looked at a few that my classmates have bookmarked. I think that teachers can certainly take advantage of social bookmarking. One of our big projects (as a student this semester) was creating a unit plan. We all had to do a lot of researching and looking for resources to incorporate in our unit plan. I mostly used Google blogger to get ideas. (BTW, I would have NEVER known about Google blogger if it wasn't for this class!) I know that sites like this with social bookmarking will save me so much time as a teacher and give me great ideas and suggestions for new strategies. I spent a little time on Delicious. I typed in educational technology and found a lot of stuff on Web 2.0....We haven't done all of them, but I decided to look up a little more on what cloud is. After that, I looked up some more education stuff. I found a great website called This was a great site that I LOVED. There were a lot of great ideas on this. I learned what a diamante poem was and how to teach elementary kids how to do them. I really liked this activity and I think all teachers can benefit from social bookmarking. It is certainly more than just being able to access our personal bookmarks away from home. It is a great place to share ideas and learn from others.

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